"Table '%s'. Too many blobs opened.<Table '%s'. Too many blob fields or invalid blob block size.ITable '%s'. A primary index is already defined and cannot be added again.0Table '%s'. The primary index cannot be removed.ATable '%s'. The secondary index name is missing or not specified.;Index '%s'. Table '%s'. The secondary index already exists.5Index '%s'. Table '%s'. Invalid secondary index name.3'%s'. Index '%s'. Table '%s'. Invalid field number.*Table '%s'. Beginning of file encountered.$Table '%s'. End of file encountered.Table '%s'. Record not found.,Table '%s'. Invalid filter handle specified.'%s' - %s' Table. Filter error.%Table '%s'. Too many filters defined.HExpression '%s'. Table '%s'. Invalid default, min or max validity check.-Field '%s'. Table '%s'. Invalid or duplicate.